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Showing posts from October, 2020


The tag line under a recent advertisement read - life 2.0. Isn't it better to say realization 1.0 for the post-covid era? Life starts throbbing for us past few weeks since the primitive streak, safe inside the womb. As we sail on in life, there happens a non-deliberate forgetfulness as to what exactly is that which matters and forms a support system for us to cruise. Pat comes in the covid lockdown forcing all to maintain their geo-position status quo. A spectrum of emotions was to follow in the coming days. In the race of life, for many, the frills were the only things visible; they had forgotten the stitch that held the cloth together.  Being stuck at either home or far from it made everyone realize the importance of many a thing. Many in pursuit of a career were ignoring the silent supporters back home. They were cherishing the rungs of their career and foolishly thinking that it's the workplace that made them go in life. They suddenly realize that it isn't what they tho

UNLOCKED - 1.Freedom realised.

The daily commute to my workplace includes tackling a busy railway level crossing. Increasing rail traffic makes it sure that peak hours are made worse by lengthy closures of the level crossing gate. It becomes a nightmare when an unruly motorist jumps the line and creates chaos. In comes the national lockdown with the trains coming to a halt, leaving the level cross open at all times. It was indeed a huge relief and freedom from painful traffic snarls. The very thought of not being stranded at the level crossing gave an immense sense of joy: one of liberation from not being held up. Being a doctor, I never got restricted at any police checkpoints. I was enjoying the privileges of my profession and the freedom that came associated with it. Slowly through the days, public life came to a standstill, and so did the number of patients. Now here was a doctor free to go to work with no traffic jams but not much purpose to go for; of course, many of my brethren in the medical profession were

Be the BEE

Morning walks with kids are endearing and enriching with queries. Mine too isn't different. But definitely, a few doubts cross my mind; Am I justly answering? Is she perceiving my answers right? Wednesday morning was drenched with a sudden shower and our usual walk-mates were missing - blabbers, bees, and butterflies usually throng our lush green rustic home. Casually a bee buzzed into our talks. When explaining how important the wind and the bees are for the sustenance of life as they aid in pollination, my kid was surprised when I revealed that pollination was a purposeful accident: purposeful by nature, accidental by the bee. The bee focuses only on the nectar. But the fruits of that process, in turn, provide her and other living beings food for their survival. Unfaltering from her job she does a great service to the planet. Driving back home that evening the bee again buzzed my mind. Those in a career could take a cue from the bee. Doctors, for instance, could strive to fetch t

Why force a pill down an unwarranted throat?

 The media boom has made every day “some-day” or the other. Justified only when the need is met and cannot be when means are met. Mental health day has to be celebrated to create awareness and not to create more patients and force pills down their throat even for trivial issues. An opening up of the haphazard mind maybe only what’s needed to settle the unsettled. Here comes the very uniqueness of the system of homeopathy and the role it plays to give great relief. There is of course many a pill to relieve stress, anxiety, and so on in homeopathy but let’s talk about what’s before that. It is case taking or case receiving to formulate a suitable remedy for the patient. The patient is uninterruptedly encouraged to discuss his discomforts from head to foot from all planes; brought back to the problem exact only when he deviates to non-relevant talk. In this process, through my years I have learned that the ear of the physician yields more results than the hand which pens the prescription.
