The media boom has made every day “some-day” or the other. Justified only when the need is met and cannot be when means are met. Mental health day has to be celebrated to create awareness and not to create more patients and force pills down their throat even for trivial issues. An opening up of the haphazard mind maybe only what’s needed to settle the unsettled.
Here comes the very uniqueness of the system of homeopathy and the role it plays to give great relief. There is of course many a pill to relieve stress, anxiety, and so on in homeopathy but let’s talk about what’s before that. It is case taking or case receiving to formulate a suitable remedy for the patient. The patient is uninterruptedly encouraged to discuss his discomforts from head to foot from all planes; brought back to the problem exact only when he deviates to non-relevant talk. In this process, through my years I have learned that the ear of the physician yields more results than the hand which pens the prescription. Of course, some need medicines but not all.
The generation-gapp has always existed; P in gap intentionally spelled double. Many say it has widened than ever before, the youth are unfocussed in a haze of never before savvy things but I feel the other way. All through the years, people have had distractions but the new-gen are very much better than their grandparents in intellect, and that's why we see a surge in innovations. the only thing they are is not rightly mentored emotionally. Many don't have the right ear to talk to and that's where they fall prey to the veiled virtual world of the internet.
On this wonderful October evening when few dusky rain clouds roll into the evening sky its just a reminder to fellow brethren of my fraternity that using such a wonderful system our master, Dr.Samuel Hahnemann gave us we might just need to show a mountainous ear for the heavy-laden clouds to outpour their rainy emotions and lighten their minds.